CHC30121 – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

This qualification reflects the role of educators in early childhood education and care who work in regulated children’s education and care services in Australia. They support children’s wellbeing, and development in the context of an approved learning framework. Educators use a range of well-developed skills and knowledge using discretion and judgment when carrying out their work in the context of established policies and procedures. They may work independently or under the guidance of others, though in some contexts that guidance may not be on-site. .
Potential Career Outcomes:
- Nanny
- Playgroup Supervisor
- Family Day Care Educator
- Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Educator
- Early Childhood Educator Assistant
Who could enrol:
This course is suitable for a variety of learners such as:
- Those who would like to obtain new skills and knowledge, including those are changing careers
- Those who wish to obtain a qualification in early childhood education in order to gain employment in the children’s services sector
- Those employed in early childhood education and care and wish to obtain a qualification and/or have their skills recognised.
Course Details – This qualification includes 17 units of competency which comprise of 15 core and 2 elective units. Elective units have been carefully selected based on the industry consultation to ensure the learner achieves the desired vocational outcomes of the course.
Units of Competency:
Core Units
- CHCECE030 Support inclusion and diversity
- CHCECE031 Support children’s health, safety and wellbeing
- CHCECE032 Nurture babies and toddlers
- CHCECE033 Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
- CHCECE034 Use an approved learning framework to guide practice
- CHCECE035 Support the holistic learning and development of children
- CHCECE036 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
- CHCECE037 Support children to connect with the natural environment
- CHCECE038 Observe children to inform practice
- CHCECE054 Encourage understanding of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people’s cultures
- CHCECE055 Meet legal and ethical obligations in children’s education and care
- CHCECE056 Work effectively in children’s education and care
- CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
- HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
- HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
Elective Units
- CHCECE043 Nurture creativity in children
- CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
The above elective units have been selected based on the industry requirements and in relation to the vocational outcome. REACH for Training may consider offering other preferred elective units based on the applicable training package requirements.
Up to 29 weeks (excluding holidays).
Study commitment required:
We recommend a learner would require a minimum of 35-45 hours of commitment per week to complete this qualification. This includes participation in class, homework and self-study, work placement hours, assignment activities and assessments.
Training delivery method:
Training is delivered in a blended mode including mixed mode, scheduled face-to-face learning in class and online learning activities.
Assessments methods:
Written Assessment, Scenarios, Role Plays, Practical exercises, Work Placement assessment
Physical requirements:
This qualification requires working in an early childhood education and care environment which may involve:
- working for long hours standing and moving
- frequently engaging in manual handling tasks e.g., bending to carry children
- changing infant and toddler diapers where necessary
- assisting children to use the bathroom
- cleaning tasks – mopping floors, tidying the kitchen
- monitoring children’s health and hygiene.
Academic requirements:
- Year 10 or equivalent; or
- Completed a Certificate II or higher level qualification
Technology requirements:
This course is offered in a blended mode and the learning resources are accessible online through our Learning Management System (LMS). To ensure access to the learning resources, you would require:
- A personal computer/laptop/tablet
- Appropriate software e.g. Microsoft Office to engage with the learning and assessment
- High speed internet connectivity
- Audio/video/visual tools to engage with the interactive video materials
- Basic computer skills to engage with the LMS and in live online learning sessions
USI Number:
Valid USI number is required. Ask us if you require any assistance in creating it on your behalf.
Other requirements:
- Valid and current email address
- National Police Check
- Working with Children Check or Working with Vulnerable People Check
This course requires you to complete a mandatory work placement of 180 hours within a regulated children’s education and care service. This is to ensure that a learner has adequate opportunities of learning, practicing and demonstrating their skills in the workplace according to industry standards and based on the units of competency.
At REACH, our learners are responsible for finding a suitable workplace facility to undertake the mandatory work placement. However, our Student Support team is available to assist with strategies of identifying a suitable work placement venue.
Approval of the facility:
Once identified, our Work placement coordinators verify the suitability of the venue to ensure our learners will get opportunities of learning and practicing the required tasks.
Documents required:
REACH provides:
- Work Placement Agreement between REACH and the employer;
- Insurance Certificate for undertaking work placement;
- Work Placement Log book and other related materials.
Learner to organise:
Any other evidence requested by the employer e.g., proof of vaccination etc.
Undertaking work placement:
Prior to the commencement of the work placement, learners are informed about:
- the workplace, their policy and procedures and the dos and don’ts;
- the requirements of the work placement and the activities to be undertaken;
- the evidence to be recorded in the Work Placement Logbook.
Payment Options
REACH acknowledges that our learners may require flexibility in how they pay their fees. To support our learners, we offer a structured Payment Plan which could be discussed.
Payment Plan:
You have the flexibility to make payments as per an agreed amount and duration. Please note that REACH does not accept any payment of fees over $1500 at a time.
Government funded:
If you enrol under a government subsidised option, your fees will be in accordance with the funding requirements as defined by the relevant funding body. Please speak to the enrolment officer for further details.
ACT – Skilled Capital
NSW – Smart and Skilled program
WA – Jobs and Skills
*If you are not eligible for government funding, please contact our support team for other options
Flexible Training Options
- Classroom based
- Online
- Blended
- Workplace based
Our National Presence
- Greater Sydney region
- Hunter & Maitland region
- Central Coast Region
- Riverina region
- ACT – Belconnen, Queanbeyan
*Not all courses are offered from all locations. Please check at the time of application.
Learn from the Experts
All trainers are experienced industry practitioners.
Government Subsidised Training
- WA
- Centrelink
*Not all courses are offered under all of the above mentioned government subsidised options. Please check at the time of application. Eligibility criteria apply.